If you are like millions of taxpayers who work in the service industry, you may receive tips. The tax code is clear; if you receive tips you must report them as income. Some employers have systems to make this easy, while others do not. Here are some suggestions:
Think 1-2-3
Proper tip reporting has three components:
1. Keeping a daily tip record
2. Reporting your tips to your employer
3. Recording your tips on your income tax return
Recording tip activity
Per the IRS, you can keep your tips by either maintaining a tip diary or
by saving documents that show your tips. If your employer does not provide you
with an electronic form of a tip diary, you can always create your own. The IRS
has one for your use in Form 4070A.
Reporting tips to an employer
You should record daily activity in your diary and then provide a monthly summary to your employer by the 10th of the following month. The report should include the following elements:
· Your name and address
· Your social security number
· Employer name and address
· Time period
· Date submitted to employer
· Your signature
· Tip information: cash tips received, credit/debit tips received, tips paid out to fellow workers, and net tips received
Paying taxes
With proper tracking and reporting of tip activity to your employer, filing your taxes on this income can be done without too much trouble. Here are some ideas:
Use your employer for reporting. With proper reporting, your employer can help ensure taxes are withheld and sent in for you. This can help you avoid a large tax bill at the end of the year.