Knowing what the IRS might look at may
be useful when you structure the arrangement. Here are some items that will be
considered if you're audited:
relationship with the business. First, the IRS will look at your
relationship to the company. If you're the sole shareholder with full control
over earnings, that may weaken your case that the loan is genuine. On the other
hand, if you're one of several shareholders and none of the others received
similar payments, that suggests it may be a genuine loan.
details. The IRS will want to know all the details related to your
loan. This may include whether or not you signed a formal promissory note, if
you pledge any security against the loan and if the loan has a specific
maturity date or a repayment schedule. Other questions may come up about the
rate of interest you're paying and if you missed any payments. The more
businesslike the terms of the loan, the more it will appear to be a genuine
financial details. In addition to loan specifics, the IRS
may ask you if your company is paying you a salary that's in line with the work
you perform, and if the company pays dividends.